недела, 9 септември 2007 г.

Машки наспроти Женски

Ова е мал дел од она што го најдов на интернет за разликите кои се јавуваат помеѓу машките и женските кога во секојдневниот говор всушност користат читање меѓу редови. Ги објавувам само оние за кои сум чула дека се навистина така, а и меѓу кои како женско и сама сум се нашла како зборам од меѓу редови (за жал)! @&^%!(!&!!!!

No = Yes.
We need = I want.
It's your decision. = The correct decision should be obvious by now.
Do what you want. = You'll pay for this later!
We need to talk. = I need to complain.
Sure... go ahead = I don't want you to.
I'm not upset. = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
I heard a noise. = I noticed you were almost asleep.
Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive.
How much do you love me? = I did something today you're really not going to like.
'll be ready in a minute. = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on T.V.
Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful.
You have to learn to communicate. = Just agree with me.
Are you listening to me!? = {Too late, you're dead}
I'm not yelling! = Yes I am yelling because I think this is important.

I'm tired. = I'm tired.
Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd eventually like to have sex w/you.
Can I call you sometime? = I'd eventually like to have sex w/you.
You look tense, let me give you a massage. = I want to fondle you.
What's wrong? = I don't see why you are making such a big deal out of this.
What's wrong? = What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?
What's wrong? = I guess sex tonight is out of the question.
I'm bored. = Do you want to have sex?
I love you, too. = Okay, I said it...we'd better have sex now!
Let's talk. = I am trying to impress you by showing that I am a deep person so that you'd like to have sex with me.
(while shopping) I like that one better. = Pick any freaking dress and let's go home

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